Does Your Garage Need to Be Properly Ventilated?

The ventilation of garages is one of the most important aspects when doing a garage construction or a garage rehab, since many homeowners can carry out other types of activities in that place apart from parking the car such as running electrical equipment and tasks that produce a pile of dust or smoke. If you have garage ventilation, you can ask yourself the following question: how well ventilated is the place? And if not, what can you do to make it possible?

Why Ventilate?
Even if you are the person who does not like to do large activities with machinery and equipment, it is possible that you use your garage to store your vehicle, your paint pots or toxic chemical materials such as insecticides, which generate toxic fumes that can be dental for your health. Therefore, it is important that your garage has ventilation, to prevent the possibility of inhalation of these substances. Another reason why you should ventilate your garage is to avoid water damage, since allowing air flow – via fans, vents or window circulation – inside it dries up any moisture present and keeps the lifespan high. Snowmelt, rainwater, and moisture from a wet car can reduce the integrity of your overall garage to the point of causing significant damage, especially to the floor.

How to Ventilate Your Garage
If you want to ventilate your garage properly, but are not sure how to proceed, we suggest you continue with the following checklist:

Windows: Although newer garages are being built to include windows, you may find an older garage with no windows or ventilation. Remember that windows are the most basic form of ventilation and you can ask your garage contractors to install them, even if your garage is attached. However, you should take into consideration that your locations may be limited, as one or two walls may be attached to the main house.

If you plan to install windows in your garage, it is recommended that you install them from one end to the other. That is, install them on opposite walls. That way, you will create a flow of air inside the garage when you open them. However, in the case of attached garages, this setting is not always possible due to the availability of walls and in some cases it will require the installation of a single window.

Fans: Although your garage may have windows, you can improve the current air flow by installing window fans or indoor fans. If you have a garage with a single window, a window fan can go a long way toward getting the air out of the space, using a push-pull mode similar to having two opposing windows. While fans are inexpensive to purchase and effective for garages that need ventilation, they can work much better when the garage is open.

Exhaust Fans: You can also have an exhaust fan installed in your garage to assist with ventilation. This type of fan is suitable for small garages, as they are designed for small-sized bathrooms. Larger garages can handle roof mounted exhaust fans, which force air up and out through the roof.

Vents: There are several types of vents that you can install in your garage that help with healthy air circulation.

Roof Turbine: This type of vent is circular and has open slats that rotate with the wind currents in order to remove the air from the garage.

Static Vents: This type of vents is similar to what you can see inside your home, only installed on the walls of your garage. The vents are installed at the top of the garage wall and at the bottom of the other wall, slats down to prevent rainwater from seeping inside.

Although there are multiple ventilation options for your garage, sometimes it happens that a box fan or an air freshner is not enough to remove the strong odors that circulate inside your garage and most likely you need a completely new garage. And this is where Stanley Garage Builders garage builders come into the picture! Contact us now to start your project!